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Low Poly Style Image/Video Transformer

by Weichen Ke and Zhengjia Huang

Parallel Low Poly Style Image/Video Converter

Weichen Ke & Zhengjia Huang



We implemented a parallel low poly style image converter on CUDA. It accepts a picture of any size and converts it to a composition of many single colored triangles. We implemented the workflow of the converter on both CPU and CUDA and tested it on pictures and videos of different sizes. Experiments showed that our CUDA implementation can achieve ~50x speedup compared to the CPU version when the image is large. And our video version can achieve close to real-time speed (~25fps) on 720p video.

Background and Motivation

Low Poly Art is an art style that expresses objects with only a limited number of polygons. It was introduced in early-stage computer games when the computers were not so powerful as they are today. Nowadays, Low Poly Art becomes a popular style in modern design because it brings a unique abstract and retro-style aesthetic value. There are many converters that can convert an image to low poly style. They are very helpful for designers who need generating low poly style pictures, artists who are looking for new ideas, or ordinary people who do this just for fun.

The main workflow of making a low poly style picture involves three steps:

All three parts can benefit from parallel execution on GPU. Among them, Delaunay Triangulation (DT) is the most computationally expensive part, and it is more tricky to parallelize than the other two. DT refers to a triangulation on a set of points so that no point is inside the circumcircle of another triangle. A common DT algorithm for CPU is the Bowyer–Watson Algorithm. The workflow of this algorithm is:

  1. Add a super triangle that includes all the points;

  2. Iteratively add points to the current triangle mesh. As shown in the following picture, adding a new point will form three new triangles. Then, it checks whether there is a triangle whose vertex is in the circumcircle of the new triangle (thus violating the Delaunay condition). If yes, then the common edge of the two triangles is flipped.

  1. Keep adding the points. After adding all the points, removing the super triangle gives the DT of the points.

This algorithm is straightforward, but it is hard to parallelize. The reason is that this algorithm is essentially iterative, and parallelizing it will introduce huge contention. For example, because the algorithm follows a coarse-to-fine procedure, many points will locate inside large triangles during the early stage. We cannot explore two points simultaneously if they are in the same triangle, because both points want to divide the triangle and this will result in overlapping edges. This restriction severely hampers the potential for parallelism of this method.

Some previous attempts used the divide and conquer algorithm to leverage the parallelism in it. For example, Prakash implemented an OpenMPI version of DT with the divide and conquer algorithm. The basic idea of the algorithm is to split the points into two areas, do DT in each area, then merge the points on the borders. Although natural to parallelize, this algorithm is much harder to implement, and the communication overhead between processors has a great impact on the overall speedup. Even if data fits in a single machine, using 32 cores can only bring 5x speedup.

Since these methods are hard to parallelize, we used a third algorithm that is more suitable for parallel machines. The basic idea is to first compute a Voronoi Graph (VG) of the original picture, which is known to be the dual problem of DT, then obtain the DT with the computed VG. Computing VG can be parallelized on GPU. We will explain the details in the next section.



Here is an illustration of our workflow. It consists of several steps:

  1. Detect the edges of the picture, to better choose the points to preserve the picture structure;
  2. Randomly choose points, with more probability on edges than other parts;
  3. Compute the VG of the points;
  4. Obtain DT mesh from the VG;
  5. Render the triangles and produce the final output.

We developed the whole system from scratch with C++ and CUDA on GHC machines with GTX 1080 GPU. We also used OpenCV for some helpers like CPU edge detection, reading and storing images/videos.

Edge Detection

To better preserve the texture in the original image, we need to find edges in the image. We implemented the Sobel edge detector in CUDA to find edges. It calculates the horizontal gradient and verticle gradient for each pixel respectively. We only preserve the absolute value of the gradient to represent the edginess score. To further increase efficiency, we used linear approximation to replace the true gradient. The algorithm reads from the original image and writes its output to a new empty image. Because there is no contention, we could simply parallel the process by pixel. We didn’t observe more speedup using shared memory for edge detection. The reason is that our filter size is small hence we only reuse pixel values a few times. This reuse can barely compensate the time of copying data into shared memory.

Vertices Selection

Vertices selection takes image gradients (edge detection result) as input and outputs an image with the same size where each pixel is set to either -1(not selected) or a Point(row, col) structure (this pixel is selected). Every pixel has a probability to be selected as a vertex. For edge pixels detected in the edge detection process, we give them a higher probability to better preserve the texture of the original image. For pixels at the boundary of the image, we also give them a higher probability to make sure our triangulation algorithm better cover the boundary of the image. We used the “curand” package to generate random numbers. Because our algorithm doesn’t require high-quality random numbers, we set the scramble and offset values to be both zero: curand_init(id, 0, 0, &state[id]) for maximum speed. We paralleled the vertices selection process by pixel.

Voronoi Graph

For triangulation, we used an algorithm that is proposed by Rong et al. The basic idea is, instead of directly computing DT, we first compute the Voronoi Graph (VG) of it on the picture. VG is a partition of a plane into regions according to their nearest points. VG is the dual problem of DT. If we obtained a VG (dashed lines), then connect the points of adjacent regions of the diagram gives us the DT (solid lines).

(Image from: Fortune’s algorithm and implementation)

Computing VG on a picture is done by the Jump-Flooding algorithm, which will mark each pixel with its nearest neighbor point. In each iteration with a step size , a pixel will look at its eight neighbors where , and try to find a closer point to it. The pseudo code for Jump-Flooding algorithm is:

owner = {}
step = picture_size / 2
while step>=1:
    for pixel_A in pixels:
        for pixel_B who is (step) away from pixel_A:
            if pixel_A has no owner, or owner[pixel_B] is closer than owner[pixel_A]:
                owner[pixel_A] = owner[pixel_B]
    step /= 2

Here is an illustration for the steps for the Jump-Flooding algorithm on three points, with initial step = 4.

This algorithm is very GPU friendly since we can parallel the computation by each pixel. We can map each pixel to a thread on GPU, and each thread looks at the eight neighbors and update their owner points. Each step size requires a kernel launch, so there will be kernel launches where is the larger size of the picture. We can use double buffers to implement this algorithm since the updating process is fully synchronous. There is no contention in this algorithm. (In practice, we did not use double buffering. See side notes below for details.)

Generating Triangles

After getting the VG, there is a neat trick to generate the triangle mesh in a fully parallel way. It turns out that the pixel map is sufficient to construct the triangles. Specifically, our task is to find 2x2 squares in the pixel map that have 3 or 4 different owners. A square of 3 owners suggests those 3 regions intersect here, so one triangle should be generated to connect the 3 regions. Similarly, a square of 4 owners suggests there should be two triangles to connect the 4 regions. Here is an illustration of this process. The number in the pixel refers to the number of owners in the 2x2 square.

Since we cannot dynamically add triangles in CUDA, constructing the triangle mesh is a three-step process:

First, we compute the total number of the triangles and assign each pixel with their triangle indices. This can be done by mapping each pixel to a thread, then each pixel checks itself and the three pixels on its right, bottom, and bottom-right. If the total number of different owners is 3, then mark the pixel as 1; or if it is 4, them mark the pixel as 2. Otherwise, it is 0.

After that, we produce an exclusive scan to get the prefix sum of the pixel map. The exclusive scan gives the total number of triangles and the index of each pixel. For example, if prefix_sum[pixel_A] = 10, and prefix_sum[pixel_next_to_pixel_A] = 12, we know that pixel_A has two triangles: the 10th and the 11th. We use thrust::exclusive_scan to carry out this process.

At last, we allocate an array whose length is equal to the number of triangles, then launch another kernel in which every pixel puts their triangle to the corresponding indices.

The whole process in generating triangles does not contain any contention since all information a pixel relies on is the pixel map generated in the previous step.


We first tried to parallel by pixel and loop through triangles. However, the performance was bad. We quickly realized that the triangles are not overlapping with each other so that we don’t need to worry about the order of triangles. We then decided to parallel by triangles and for each triangle, only loop through local pixels that locate in its bounding box. To determine if a point is inside a triangle, we implemented the following procedure: given a point and a triangle, (i) loop through the three vertices of the triangle in any order (clockwise or counter-clockwise) hence every pair of vertices determines a directed edge (ii) for each edge, determine if the point is to its left or right side (iii) if the point is to the same side of all three edges, then it is inside the triangle. If a point is inside a triangle, we color it with the color defined at the center of the triangle.

Important Data Structures

Side Notes



As shown in the above form and graph, we tested our algorithm on 270p, 540p, 1080p, 2160p, 4320p, 8640p images respectively. The CPU version is compiled with -O3 optimization. We used high precision timer CycleTimer as in HW2 to get our profiling data. All the values are in milliseconds. When the image is large, our Delaunay algorithm achieved ~50x speed up and the overall program achieved ~45 times speedup on computation time. If we take Cuda initialization time and disk I/O time into consideration, our algorithm achieved ~24.4 times speedup. We didn’t observe a huge speed up on rendering. The reason is the triangles have different sizes (smallest is only 1 pixel) and shapes so that the workloads of different threads are heavily unbalanced.

Factors that limited our speedup:

Factors that does not limit our speedup:

Time Consumption

As shown in the above graph, each part of the GPU computation time grows linearly with the picture size. The number of vertices doesn’t influence the speed in our implementation.

The above image shows a breakdown of running time in three pictures. DT computation accounts for the largest part for all of them.

The above image shows that the overall algorithm is not sensitive to the number of edges. We tested on 1080p image and number of vertices ranges from 1x to 500x. But we do observe a decrease in render time (from 8.19 to 4.81) as the number of vertices increase. The reason is as the number of vertices increase, the number of triangles also increase. This will result in a smaller average triangle size. As triangle size gets smaller, the search area of each thread gets smaller. And most importantly, as the search area gets smaller, the number of “not in triangle” pixels searched by each thread decrease, which results in the speedup.

Test on Video Conversion

We further tried to test our converter on video. We load each frame of a video in sequential order and convert it to low-poly style image, then write it in memory. Because all frames in a video share the same resolution, many variables can be reused to further save some time. We tested it on a 720p video and a 1080p video respectively. The results are:

  ms / frame FPS
720p 39.27 25.5
1080p 69.42 14.4

Failed Attempts and Ideas

Work List and Credit Distribution

Weichen Ke (50%)

Zhengjia Huang (50%)


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[4] V. Fuetterling, C. Lojewski, and F.-J. Pfreundt High-Performance Delaunay Triangulations for Many-Core Computers